
New Year, New Adventure

New Year is here and our great adventure has started! Our team is already in Kraków. They have moved in to the flats they are renting and are adjusting to the new environment. It is challenging but soooo exciting! 
We are beginning our first meetings at home. We also want to cover the city with prayer. And so every day there will be someone walking for an hour and praying for God's blessing over the people of Kraków.
We (Zibi and Magda) have just visited Santa Cruz and spent weekend with our friends there. We visited their church - Elevation - and had a great time. It is so inspiring to be able to see great people doing great things for God. Now we are in Placerville with old friends of ours. We believe it will be a refreshing time for our family. We also pray that God would stir our hearts and speak to us about His dreams for Krakow. 


Artie Shepherd said...

so excited for you guys!
Can't wait to hear of Poland being turned upside down for Jesus!
Was kry jest piekne - or something like that!

KDM said...

we are excited as well. this is so incredible. thank you for cheering there for us! see you in Krakow

Anonymous said...

można po polsku...>?
Chyba że to chodzi o miasto Krakov gdzie s USA, to wtedy ok. wycofuje sie.

magda m said...

a można wiedzieć kto pyta? ta strona jest po angielsku, bo jest skierowana do osob anglojęzycznych. ale niedługo ruszy też polska strona internetowa www.koscioldlamiasta.pl i zapraszamy tam :)

Anonymous said...

Wierny czytaciel twojego bloga i potencjalnie chetny czytaciel owego, jesli bedzie po polskiemu :-)
Jarek P

magda m said...

no to bardzo mi milo :) juz niedlugo bedzie strona po polsku. damy znac na pewno :) pozdrawiam