Dear Friends,
It has been a long time since we last blogged. Please forgive us that recently we don't do it regularly. We entered a very busy time now and the last few weeks have been pretty hectic. Not mentioning the recent events in our country and with the volcanic ash in the air...
The church is doing good. We did DNA course for those who wants to be our partners. It was a great time and people are so excited. It is good to see how God is bringing people our way who are committed to our culture and the vision God has given us for Kraków.
In just two weeks we start our annual conference RADYKALNI. It begins on Friday April 30th and finishes on May 3rd. We are expecting great things and we know God is going to suprise us as He always does! We pray that everybody who comes will be changed by the grace and love of our Heavenly Father. Please pray with us for God to move in a powerful way, for many people to come and for God's protection for all the time of preparations and conference.
Thank you for your prayers and support. We will try to bring you updates more often!
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